Pecha Kucha link and narrative Every year I am the teacher determined to be more organized than last year. I buy new brightly colored bins. I meticulously make labels with names and pictures on them. I have individual storage spaces for each child as well as clearly labeled class materials. I feel like once I get my room organized I can focus on the students. I’m always looking for ways to improve how my classwork is set up. When we have PD days within our district and get to visit our colleagues' classrooms, I spend a lot of time just looking around at how they organize their classrooms and store their student’s work. I have always felt that I needed to keep most work samples so that I had evidence for RTI meetings. I have actually started carrying a huge plastic tub to my RTI meetings because it’s big enough to hold everything I will ever need to show a child’s progress or be examples of my concerns. It’s all about the ...